How to Ask Your Boss for a New Office Chair

Comfort and well-being in the workplace are indispensable aspects of your professional life. Given the amount of time you spend sitting at your desk, your office chair is a critical piece of your work environment.

Over time, even the best ergonomic office chairs can wear down and lose their comfort and functionality. This wear and tear can lead to discomfort, distraction, and even health issues like back pain.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s time to consider asking for a new chair. Here’s an in-depth guide on how to professionally and effectively ask your boss for a new office chair.

1. Assess Your Need

The first step in this process is to honestly assess your need for a new office chair. Are you experiencing discomfort or pain while sitting?

Is the chair no longer providing the necessary support? Are there broken or malfunctioning parts? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it’s a valid reason to request a new chair.

In addition to your personal comfort, consider the wider implications. Research the potential health benefits of having a good office chair.

Numerous studies have shown that ergonomic office chairs can lead to improved posture, less back pain, and increased productivity.

Being armed with this information will help you make a stronger case when you approach your supervisor.

2. Document the Problems

Once you’ve assessed your need, start gathering evidence that supports your case.

This could be photos of the broken parts of your chair, a doctor’s note or physical therapist’s recommendation relating to back pain, or even your own written record detailing the discomfort you experience and how it’s affecting your work.

This evidence serves a twofold purpose. First, it helps you clearly demonstrate to your boss that the need for a new chair is real and directly related to your work.

Second, it provides a concrete foundation for your request, making it more difficult to dismiss.

3. Research Possible Solutions

Before directly approaching your boss with your request, it’s important to do some homework on potential replacements.

Consider what features you need in a chair—good lumbar support, adjustable height, the ability to swivel, armrests, etc.

Also, take into account the aesthetic of your office. You want to suggest a chair that not only fulfills your needs but also fits in with the workplace environment.

Additionally, be mindful of the budget. Research chairs that are cost-effective but also fulfill your needs.

This shows your boss that you’ve taken the financial implications into account and are suggesting a reasonable and well-thought-out solution.

4. Develop a Proposal

Now that you’ve assessed your need, documented the problems, and researched potential solutions, it’s time to put together a proposal.

This doesn’t need to be an elaborate document, but it should clearly and professionally lay out your case.

Include the following in your proposal:

  • A clear statement of the problem (i.e., your current chair is causing discomfort or isn’t functional)
  • Evidence supporting your claim
  • The benefits of a new chair (such as improved health, increased productivity, etc.)
  • Suggested solutions, along with the costs and benefits of each option

This proposal will be the cornerstone of your request, so take your time to make it as comprehensive and persuasive as possible.

Example 1

Dear/Hi [Boss’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss an issue I’ve been experiencing lately concerning my current office chair.

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed that I have been experiencing discomfort while sitting in my office chair. This discomfort has started to affect my productivity and overall health, as I often find myself needing to take breaks to stretch or change position.

I have taken some photos showing the worn-out parts of the chair and have documented the specific issues I’ve been experiencing. Additionally, I have visited a doctor who confirmed that prolonged sitting in this chair could potentially exacerbate my discomfort and lead to long-term health issues.

Understanding the importance of budget considerations, I’ve conducted research to identify potential replacement options that are both cost-effective and ergonomically designed. Here are a few options I found:

  1. Chair A: Cost-effective, provides good lumbar support and is adjustable.
  2. Chair B: Slightly more expensive but has additional features like adjustable armrests and a headrest.
  3. Chair C: Mid-range price with essential features for comfort and adjustability.

Each of these options would provide the necessary support and comfort that my current chair is lacking, potentially leading to increased productivity and reduced health risks.

I am open to discussing these options and finding a solution that best meets the needs of both my health and the company’s budget. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my request. I believe that with the right equipment, I can continue to contribute positively to our team and deliver high-quality work.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 2

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I hope this note finds you well. I am reaching out to bring your attention to an issue that has been impacting my work comfort and productivity. My current office chair, which I have used for a considerable time, is no longer providing the required support and comfort necessary for the long hours I spend at my desk.

Over the past several weeks, I have experienced consistent discomfort and physical strain. This has caused frequent interruptions to my workflow as I am often required to stand and move around to alleviate the discomfort. I have documented these instances to illustrate the frequency and impact on my work.

Importantly, I am concerned about the long-term health implications of continuing to use this chair. Studies suggest that prolonged usage of an uncomfortable chair can lead to serious posture issues and chronic back pain.

In consideration of the company’s resources, I have taken the initiative to research potential replacement chairs that are both affordable and ergonomically designed. Here are a few options I have identified:

  1. Chair X: This chair offers a good balance between cost and comfort, with adjustable height and good lumbar support.
  2. Chair Y: Slightly more expensive, this chair provides additional features such as a headrest and adjustable armrests.
  3. Chair Z: A mid-range option that includes essential ergonomic features and is known for its durability.

I believe that an upgrade to a more ergonomic chair will not only alleviate my discomfort but also enhance my productivity and overall well-being in the workplace.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this issue further at a time convenient for you. I am open to exploring different solutions that align with both my health needs and our company’s budgetary considerations.

Thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter. I am confident that a resolution to this issue will greatly assist in maintaining my health and productivity at work.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

5. Arrange a Meeting

With your proposal in hand, it’s time to approach your boss. Rather than bringing it up casually or dropping it in conversation, request a short meeting to discuss a workplace improvement matter.

This approach ensures you have dedicated time and space to present your case and allows your boss to consider your request without distractions.

6. Present Your Case

During the meeting, be professional, concise, and respectful. Start by explaining the issue with your current chair, then present the evidence you’ve gathered.

Walk your boss through your proposal, explaining why each proposed solution would be beneficial. Be prepared to answer any questions about your proposal or the implications of getting a new chair.

Remember, your goal isn’t just to convince your boss that you need a new chair, but that providing one will be beneficial to the company through your increased productivity, comfort, and overall well-being.

7. Be Prepared for Negotiation

While you might have your sights set on a specific chair, be aware that your boss might not immediately agree with your first choice.

Be open to discussing other options or solutions. If budget constraints exist, you might need to consider a second-hand chair, a chair with fewer features but still comfortable, or even potentially contributing some of your own money towards the purchase.

The key is to remain flexible and open to alternatives that still address your needs.

8. Follow Up

After your meeting, your boss might not provide an immediate answer. They may need to consult with others, review the budget, or consider other factors.

Don’t be disheartened by this. Instead, wait for a reasonable period, then follow up politely.

You could send an email thanking them for their time, summarizing the key points of your proposal, and asking about the next steps.

This not only demonstrates your professionalism but also reiterates your need and keeps the issue at the forefront of your boss’s mind.

9. Respect the Outcome and Uphold Your Health and Safety Rights

Ultimately, the final decision regarding your chair replacement lies with your boss. If the response is unfavorable, strive to comprehend the underlying reasons and show respect for the decision.

It’s possible to revisit the matter in the future, or perhaps explore alternate methods to enhance your comfort at work.

However, if your current seating situation negatively impacts your health, it’s crucial to stand up for your health and safety rights.

If discomfort persists and your health is at risk, engaging the Human Resources (HR) department is a recommended course of action.

If the decision is favorable, don’t forget to express your gratitude. It’s essential to show how the new chair improves your work experience, bolsters your productivity, and contributes to a healthier work environment.


In conclusion, asking for a new office chair requires a thoughtful and well-planned approach.

By demonstrating the need, presenting the benefits, and proposing reasonable solutions, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Remember, this isn’t just about personal comfort—it’s about improving your workplace environment and overall productivity.

A good office chair is not a luxury but an essential tool for effective work. By making the case for a new chair, you’re also advocating for your health and well-being in the workplace.


What if my boss declines my request for a new office chair?

If your request is declined, try to understand the reason behind the decision. If it’s due to budget constraints, perhaps a less expensive chair could be considered, or you might suggest a cost-sharing arrangement. If your current chair is causing health issues, you may need to involve the Human Resources department or seek advice on workplace health and safety regulations.

How do I prove that my current chair is causing discomfort or health issues?

You can document the issues you’re experiencing, such as back pain, neck strain, or other discomforts. Taking photos of any visible chair damage can also be helpful. If you have visited a healthcare provider about your issues, you can provide a note or recommendation from them.

Can I ask for a specific type of chair?

Yes, you can certainly suggest specific chairs in your proposal. However, it’s important to be flexible and open to other options as well, depending on your company’s budget and approval process.

How long should I wait for a response to my request?

This may vary depending on your workplace. If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable time frame (say, a week or two), it might be appropriate to follow up with a polite reminder.

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Cristian Lungu

Cristian Lungu

I'm Cristian Lungu, the founder of OfficeGearLab and a dedicated office equipment reviewer. I guide readers towards making knowledgeable choices. Additionally, I love embarking on journeys with my family and camp around the country.

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