How to Stop Sitting With Your Legs Crossed

Sitting with legs crossed is a common posture that many of us adopt habitually, often without realizing it.

While it might feel comfortable or natural, crossing your legs can contribute to several health issues, such as poor circulation, numbness in the legs, and even misalignment of the spine.

If you find yourself frequently sitting with your legs crossed and wish to break this habit, here are some strategies that can help.

How to Stop Sitting With Your Legs Crossed

Understand the Risks

Understanding the potential health risks associated with sitting with your legs crossed can be a great motivator to change this habit. Regularly crossing your legs can lead to:

  1. Poor Circulation: When you cross your legs, you’re potentially constricting your veins and hampering blood flow, which can lead to circulation problems.
  2. Nerve Compression: Prolonged leg crossing can compress the peroneal nerve, located in the knee, leading to a condition known as peroneal nerve palsy, which can cause numbness or tingling in the legs.
  3. Posture and Back Issues: Consistently crossing your legs can lead to misalignment in your lower back and hips, potentially causing discomfort or pain over time.
guy sitting legs crossed while working

Develop Awareness

The first step in changing any habit is to become more aware of it. Pay attention to when and why you cross your legs. Is it a comfort thing?

Do you do it when you’re nervous or when you’re relaxed? Understanding the situations and triggers that lead you to cross your legs will help you to address the habit more effectively.

women sitting legs crossed while working on her laptop

Create Healthy Alternatives

Replace the habit of crossing your legs with healthier sitting postures. Here are a few alternatives:

  1. Sit with your feet flat on the floor: This is the ideal sitting position as it helps maintain proper alignment of your spine.
  2. Use a footrest: If your feet don’t reach the floor comfortably, consider using a footrest. This helps to maintain good posture and prevents the urge to cross your legs.
  3. Change positions often: Changing your sitting position regularly can help keep your body from becoming stiff or fatigued in one position. Standing and walking around every 30 minutes can also contribute to better overall health.

Use Reminders

Setting up reminders can be a helpful way to break the habit of crossing your legs. You could use sticky notes with a message like “Uncross Your Legs” and place them around your workspace. Alternatively, you could set up digital reminders on your computer or smartphone.

guy sitting legs crossed in public

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can become more aware of your body’s posture and movements.

Regular mindfulness practice can help you to notice when you’re crossing your legs and consciously choose to uncross them.

guy sitting legs crossed while sleeping


Breaking the habit of sitting with your legs crossed can take time, patience, and persistence.

By understanding the risks, developing awareness of the habit, creating healthy alternatives, using reminders, and practicing mindfulness, you can achieve a healthier sitting posture.

Remember, it’s not just about uncrossing your legs, but also about adopting a lifestyle that supports overall health and well-being.

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Cristian Lungu

Cristian Lungu

I'm Cristian Lungu, the founder of OfficeGearLab and a dedicated office equipment reviewer. I guide readers towards making knowledgeable choices. Additionally, I love embarking on journeys with my family and camp around the country.

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